This website is provided by
proCtec GmbH
Alexander-Fleming-Str. 1
68519 Viernheim
Tel: +49 6204 738-0
Fax:+49 6204 738-222
Authorized representative business executives
Siegfried Eibner
Nicolas Eibner
District court and Chamber of Commerce register number:
District court: Darmstadt Register Department Lampertheim HRB 61862
Value added tax identification number in accordance with section 27a from the value added tax law: DE812887424
Trademark protection
All mentioned company, product and trademark designations are the property of the respective owners and are normally protected as trademark, patent or registered design.
Data protection
If you decide to give us or our business partners personal data over the Internet so, for example, we can perform correspondence, we will carefully handle this data in accordance with the strict rules of the German Data Protection Law (BDSG)
Legal notes
Although all information and details contained in our Internet pages have been carefully researched and checked by proCtec or third parties, neither proCtec nor the associated third parties can guarantee the correctness, completeness and topicality.
proCtec’s Internet page may have been linked from another Web page using hyperlinks without knowledge of proCtec. proCtec cannot accept any responsibility for the contents, representation or any connection to proCtec in Web pages from third parties.
The use of a link from this Web page to the Web page of a third party causes the proCtec Web page to be exited and is done at the user’s responsibility. proCtec has not checked all Web pages from third parties and does not assume any responsibility for the contents found there. This also applies to all results that can ensure from the use of Web pages from third parties.